Get ebook, paperback, and hardcover versions of this cover design, plus the original image without text. This item is only sold ONCE (to one person), so no one else will ever have this book cover design except for you, when you purchase it.
#0001 - Book Cover Set - Moon Rising
Read Section 10 Licensing and Section 12 Custom and Premade Book Covers here:
To get the book customized, place this item in your cart and go to checkout. Look for the box titled "Add a note", and enter the information below so that I can customize your order and send it to you:
1) Your name, email, phone number. I do not share or sell your contact information to third parties. I need this information to be able to send your order.
2. Book Title and Author Name
3. Series Title / Subtitle
4. Tagline
5. Series name and book number, if part of a series.
6. The finalized, edited book blurb for the back cover.
7. Any extra text you might want, such as your website.
8. Paperback dimensions (example: 6"x9" or other size).
9. Hardcover dimensions (example: 6"x9" or other size).
10 Number of pages of the completed, formatted PAPERBACK manuscript.
11. Number of pages of the completed, formatted HARDCOVER manuscript.
If you forget what all you needed to enter, there is a button on the order page that will bring up the information list of what you'll need to enter.
When you pay for this item, you'll receive a PDF with a detailed reminder of what I will complete and send to you when the order is done, as well as how to contact me if you forgot to enter part or all of the customized details on the Checkout page. Your order will be completed quickly and sent to you, usually within 48 hours. You'll need to check your spam box just in case the email ends up there.If you place a book cover item in your cart but do not purchase it right away, the item isn't reserved. You'll need to purchase the book order to make sure someone else doesn't purchase it first.
For extra information on the licensing rights, go to my Policies and Disclaimers page.