Today's Year of Renewal Discord Event has started with some fun design work in Notion. Instead of going with my normal dark and gloomy colors, I've picked something that burns my eyes, typing in searches for "pink coffee," "pink pens," "pink cafe," and other things pink.
I've added multiple sets of "Synced Blocks" from which my workspace's users can access all the main pages, plus other things. There are strings of icons that are hyperlinked to those work areas, located on the top right. Looks like a rainbow of dots from here.
Every major work area has its own hyperlinked icon, and every single page across the system shares that same synced block, so the major work areas are only a click away. I call that synced string of hyperlinked icons a "Quick Links" block. And I have different ones for different levels of the system. But only the main work areas' Quick Links block is tied to every single page in the entire system.
Wha-la! Better navigation!
The Intentions page (shown in that first image, above) is not a major work area, but it is also linked to an icon in my Quick Links toggle so I can get to it from anywhere across the entire system, and quickly. That means the other task pipelines flowing through the rest of my Notion databases and filters will never get clogged up by this stuff.
Simple. Separate. Straight forward.
Near the rainbow feathers image, I also made a pink synced block that shares two ways across the Intentions page and the 2023 Resolutions page. This allows me to drag items into an area shared by both so the other page (or 20+ linked pages) doesn't have to be nested on this one and use up all the space...
Why do this? Well...imagine if you had 20 lines of pages referenced on this page just to move something from this page to one of those--but then having to comb through all of them or have all 20 listed again on each of the others just to move stuff back and forth....Yikes! No thanks. One box is sufficient. Throw a toggle in there to be able to collapse it and shrink the size, and it's much more visually appealing!
Also, I didn't want a bulky spreadsheet aesthetic clogging up the top of my page. Resolutions around the New Year are for fresh starts. What better fresh start than to very easily wipe the slate clean?

This is the opened Archive toggle at the bottom, right side of the screen.
The 2023 Resolutions page is hidden there, as are the Rez pages for quarters.
When completed, those will be dragged into the Intentions Main Archive page at the bottom. Keeps it nice and neat.

The tasks could have been placed in the spreadsheet system in Notion, and strewn across all sorts of filters and such...But sometimes simpler is better.
"GYST" here means "Get Your S*it Done," (supposed to be a "d", but who wants to pronounce "GYSD"??!).
I tend to go far enough overboard that I land in another ocean somehow...Yet I think I chose a beautifully simple cover image for this one. The weird dots thing inside the pink banners that sit above the checkboxes means the titles are pending. I haven't decided what--if anything--I will name them.

Below the important, major goals and resolutions that I need to keep in consideration for 2023, I went ahead and added a No Reigns section in blue.
This is for things that are out of my control, even though I still have the goal and can do SOME things to help them along. But the timeframe and scope of the items often are not really something that I can change.
Sometimes it's because this type of goal is something only my husband can do but which I still find myself stressing about anyway.
It might even just be a low-priority item, pushed aside by more important things.
Regardless of the reason, having this type of note or section dispels stress.
I'll be posting on YouTube about my buildout, if you want to know more. I'm still creating the rest of the system at this time, but this was something fun and simple that I could share. It's a small side project that ties into a HUGE one.